Monday, November 17, 2014


Yes I have been slacking!!! I haven’t been to the gym in 2 weeks.  I am still trying to get over whatever it is I have.  I think it’s allergies but they have been horrible. 

I need to get into the gym this week.  But I just need to do it. 

Also over the past few weeks a lot has been going on.  Cole got a job.  He works 2 to 3 days a week he loves it.  We went to St. Louis for my Aunt’s 60th surprise birthday party.  We had so much fun!!! 

This coming weekend I have the Route 66 Marathon Relay.  5.6 miles is longest I will have ever ran.  I am nervous & excited all at the same time!!

Until next time!!


Cole's 1st day of work
Ready to paty in St. Louis
