Monday, March 10, 2014

I'm Fit Possible

My sister introduced me to I’m Fit Possible.  So I did a little research.  They are social. They are big hearted, creative, fitness enthusiasts.  They also based in Social Media.  As I was reading up on them I saw that I could apply to be an ambassador.  So went back to my sister’s blog and saw the I’m Fit Possible Ambassador Badge.  I thought I can do that.  I just had to be active on 2 or more Social Media Sites (which I am) & have a focus on fitness or wellness.  I got the fitness down & the wellness I am working on.  So, I put my application in & waited.  Then on Friday as Todd & I were having dinner & drinks at a local Mexican restaurant I got an e-mail.  It said you’re In.  I am now an I’m Fit Possible Ambassador.    

Now that I am an I’m Fit Possible Ambassador, I am going to try to be a little more diligent about updating this blog!! 

So to start off I am running my 1st 5k of the year, The St. Patrick’s Day 5k (supporting Special Olympics) next Saturday March 14.  I like doing runs that have a cause attached to them.  I have posted my race schedule but I think it will be changing.  I am still striving to do a half marathon at the end of the year.  I am just not sure what other race I will be doing! 

I went to Yoga & Bootcamp this past Saturday.  Yoga was tough I realized while doing it I am not as flexible as I once was.  I will be going back because I really enjoyed it.  I rocked Bootcamp but I do it at least 2 times a week. Bootcamp is my favorite class at the gym.  My workout schedule for this week is:

Monday – Run

Tuesday – Step (my other favorite class)

Wednesday – Run

Thursday – Bootcamp

Firday – Off (family time)

Saturday – St. Patrick’s Day 5k

Sunday – House Cleaning Day (my least favorite thing to do)
That’s all I have for today!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! Welcome to our community!
    xo Tara
